Fort Machine Works (1986) Ltd
Establishment at 1180 Tachie Rd, Fort Saint James, BC V0J 1P0, Canada. Please contact Fort Machine Works (1986) Ltd using information below: address, phone, fax, email, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
1180 Tachie Rd
Fort Saint James
British Columbia V0J 1P0
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+1 250-996-8231
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Fort Machine Works Ltd - Full Service Machining, Welding and Fabricating, Fort St. James, British Columbia, Canada
Fort Machine Works Ltd has been serving its customers for over 20 years offering full service machining, welding and fabricating. We specialize in hydraulic repairs and modifications and also supply pumps and valves to the mining industry. Located in Fort St. James, British Columbia, Canada
Fort Machine Works Ltd, pumps, valves, hydraulic, welding, fabricating, hose & fittings, machine shop, machining, stamp hammer, line boring, hydraulic cylinder, seals, steel sales, repairs, Forestry equipment repairs, sawmill equipment repairs, mining equipment repairs, fabrication of new parts, fabrication of replacement parts, repair hydraulic cylinders, modify hydraulic cylinders, fabricate hydraulic cylinders, Horizontal Cylinder Honing, Cylinder Re-Rods, Cylinder Barrel Re-Tube, Gland and Piston Repai
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22:00 -2 ℃ 1012 hPa 81 % 2 m/s